Welcome, Word WeaselersΒ 
Here’s an interesting one. A book called, intriguingly, The Dictionary of Lost Words, discovered through this ad in the Paris metro. Will it, as I suggest in my text, lead me to many unexpected places? I’ve ordered it and will start my latest wordy adventure in a few days – watch this space!
Click on the image below to read the text. Or, if you prefer, I’ve copied the words here too. I prefer you to read the words on my images the way I imagined and arranged them, but in the end words are words – except when they’re a Paris Chronicle of course, so maybe that’ll do.
One thing leads to another. Images send us straight into scrimmages and words wend their way to the absurd on the backs of brilliant birds.
Am I at the start of a startling new adventure? Every day. Do you know the word bondmaid? It’s a woman bound to service without pay. What, you say? Yes, that’s right; a female slave. A term deemed ‘unsuitable’ for inclusion in the 1901 edition of the terribly highly revered Oxford English Dictionary.
How can this be, wondereth we. Because things be, and we’ll just have to read the book to find out. Which I will. Because I’m a bit of a word collector too, you see.
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